Sunday, September 21, 2008

The 21 Day Challenge

You have probably heard that it takes 21 days to create a habit. I have a challenge for you. Set aside 15-30 minutes a day for the next 21 days to read and study God's Word and pray. We are all busy - time isn't just going to appear for you. It takes effort to carve this out. The reason I am inviting you to take this challenge is because I did the same thing about 4 years ago. I made myself get up in the wee hours (I thought at that time) of the morning to spend this time with God. I told myself I could do it for 30 days, and then maybe it would become a habit. I wouldn't invite you if I didn't think it would change your life. It has gradually changed and blessed my life - that is why I am sharing it. Some of you are already there, but this can still be a challenge for you to find a way to make it more meaningful, study a little deeper, find ways to apply it to your life. If you would like to join me in this challenge, please email me. I am committing to pray for you each day of the 21 days. You will be attacked, it won't be easy - your bed will be very inviting - kids won't be the most cooperative, etc. etc., but I will pray that you will be able to overcome those obstacles to stick to your commitment and then be blessed by it. Make a plan for when you will do this - I knew the only time that would work was early morning for me - there may be a better time for you (lunch break, before bed, nap time). Early morning is tough, but then you don't have to worry about unexpected interruptions that come up later. If a child wakes up extra early one day, you still have the rest of the day to fit it in. If you are counting on doing it late at night - and something comes up causing you to get to bed to late, it might be too easy to forget it for the day. Just something to think about. Don't be legalistic about it, just know that you will be blessed in taking that hard step to growing closer to God.

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