Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm back

Please accept my apologies for not fulfilling my commitment to encourage and challenge all of you each week!

I don't want to make excuses, because I really do not want to neglect what God has called me to do, so I will just briefly explain my last couple of months so you know that I have not completely forgotten all of you!

This fall to put our house up for sale so we would be in a position to do what God wanted us to do and not have to worry about a house to sell. Well, shortly after all the projects began we found out we were expecting #4! We were very excited (and still are). I was able to get a lot done before getting sick, but then I got very sick. It was very difficult to keep the house clean and ready for showings. God wonderfully answered this prayer by allowing our house to sell in 2 weeks. While being sick my quiet times really suffered. It is in those precious times with God that I am filled with words to share with all of you. Since my time with Him was suffering, I really did not feel like I had much to offer all of you. I am now getting through that part. I am finally starting to feel really good again, we have moved, and our house is finally cleaned, settled, and for the most part organized. Plus the most important thing is that I am getting back on track with my time with God. So I am excited to once again share with you each week what it is God is placing on my heart so that together we can raise Godly children!

My poor children these last couple months. I really feel like I have neglected them - mom is either resting on the couch or busy cleaning/packing etc. However, I was able to read lots of books, play many games of Candy Land while lying next to my Candy Land finatic son. I have to realize the little things are important. Maybe they haven't been completely neglected, but I am looking forward to spending more time with them, feeling better and most importantly getting back to discussing God's Word together.

Procrastination - does anyone else suffer from this? My least favorite job in all the world is cleaning out the refrigerator. Do I really think that if it hasn't been touched in a week, those leftovers are going to get eaten? If I would just take the old stuff out on a regular basis - my refrigerator cleaning would not take half a day. I heard a message yesterday - "do the important things first". Something I've heard many times before, but it really hit me. Many days I have intentions to getting through our Bible story for the day with the kids, but it doesn't get done, and I keep thinking we will get to it later. Well, I've learned personally and for my family if I don't put God first, it is hard to fit Him in. I really want to make it a priority that after breakfast (because my kids want to eat first thing), that this is what we do. So if you've been suffering from procrastination and want to get back on track with teaching your kids God's Word - join me in doing it first!

Love to all of you!


1 comment:

Ms. Salubrious said...

Yes, I suffer in procrastinating washing dishes...just not big on my to-do or favorites list. God knows the important stuff and our hearts....the rest won't hurt to be put off a LITTLE bit :)