Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Welcome to my Blog! It is my heart's desire to teach the Word of God to young children. God commands us as parents to pass His teachings and commands on down to them. And yet how do we do this? Our lives are busy, it is difficult to just keep up with the daily tasks that never go away. It is my hope that this blog would be a place people can share how they have made time for spiritual training. Please feel free to share what has worked for your family - maybe you read the Bible together at supper time or before bed, maybe you say a verse together in the car, maybe you sing Bible songs to them as they are falling asleep. Whatever you have done, let's share it with others to challenge and help each other in this task God has called us to!

1 comment:

Momma said...

Thank you, Susie, for following God's leading in your life and sharing it with others! I have been wrestling with a question the past few months - People say it is never too early to begin reading God's Word to a baby, but is my daughter really old enough to comprehend God's Word? When I take a moment and let myself think about it, I realize there is SO much in life that she does understand: she understands basic abstract ideas (wait until Mommy's finished with ____, tomorrow we get to _____, etc.), she asks to pray before meals (often times even before we all get sat down), she has memorized parts of books that we read to her, and she is SO eager to learn more! This shows me that she can grasp the basic ideas of Christianity, she can learn about prayer, she can begin hiding God's Word in her heart, and she will have fun doing it! So now, the task is up to us - Mommy and Daddy - to lead her along this journey!