Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 5

My challenge began 5 days ago... to reestablish our family prayer time and to make it more meaningful.  That night I was hit with a horrible flu.  I was lying in bed while my husband was trying to round the troops up for bed.  I knew I could not skip the very first night of my challenge, so I called them all in to our bedroom pray.  We calmed down a child upset because he was given an "open" banana instead of a "closed" one, then tried to keep another child earth bound.  All was quiet and for the most part calm, and my husband prayed.  We have continued praying together before bed since then.  My personal prayer really suffered - the only thing I could really mutter for 3 days was "Jesus, help me."  Seriously, I don't remember being so sick.  I am feeling great now and am so thankful!  (so is my husband!)  It is really amazing what happens when mom is out of commission for a few days.  Saturday afternoon, the Thursday night dishes were still on the table!  I was so out of it to even try to round up help and get them to clean up.  Anyway - all is under control now, and I am so thankful!  Now, to get our prayers to become more meaningful.  I plan to start our curriculum in the next couple of nights and begin keeping a family prayer journal.  I am thinking of having the older kids write down our family's prayers.  It will be fun to look back on it and see God at work!

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