Monday, March 23, 2009

Meal Planning

I thought I would take a break from my usual writings I've had recently on the book "Revolutionary Parenting", and let you know of a cool resource I discovered - and it's free!

It does relate to parenting - it is meal planning. Having a meal planned is always less hectic when supper time comes. Having a meal together as a family builds relationships and offers opportunity for great conversation. So here is a free resource to help you organize your meals and plan them out and wrtie out your grocery list. Many of you do this already, but there are some helpful tools/pages to help mainstream the process - something I am always on the lookout for. So if you sign up for Molly's free newsletter "Econobusters" which helps moms work on becoming frugal and wise with their money, you get this e-book for free. I've gotten mine - however I had trouble signing up. I couldn't get past the part where you have to type the 2 words exactly as they appear. It wouldn't work for me. I just emailed her, and she responded the same day with a link to get the download. Hope you enjoy it. Have a wonderful week enjoying this spring- time weather!

Here is the link:


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Keep Your Cool

I love how God often puts situations in our life to help us learn and grow and then finds other ways through His Word, books, speakers etc. to reemphasize what it is he wants us to learn.

This happened to me this weekend. Our son often has tantrums - as most kids do, but they just seem to drag on and on over the smallest things. We find ourselves at our whit's end trying to find a way to stop him from doing this. I am no longer strong enough to spank him, and that seemed to make him even more angry anyway - so he has to sit in time out - without throwing a fit. AHHHG!! What an amazing test of patience! So, in the midst of it, I find myself getting more and more angry. And then he hits me a few times (dad has put fear in him over this since then), but I find myself wanting to lash back in my anger either with actions or words. Thankfully, God kept me from doing this - gave me an amazing calmness, and was able to keep my cool. Again - this can only come from God - it is not our natural response!

As I was reading the Barna book today it was interesting to learn how different the parenting styles were for all of the spiritual champions. There was not a set disciplinary action they all took- only that rules were enforced and their was a consequence for rules broken. Also - the parent did not lose their cool. They had the ability to contain their anger and frustration. They got upset with their children but were able to channel their emotions into positive and productive solutions.

Do you find yourself getting angry? - well this is a normal response. What do we do with that anger? We aren't always going to be calm and collected. I can tell you of times when that calmness was not there - but the thing that shows our vulnerability and the fact that we aren't perfect is to apologize to our children when we do lose our cool. It takes humility to confess we messed up - but isn't that what we want in our kids? I can't make them say sorry to each other, if I am not willing to confess my wrong as well.

So pray for God's strength, calmness and patience. I can't begin a day without asking for this, because I know I am going to need it. And then when we do lose it - don't beat yourself up, confess to your child and reinforce your love to them.

Have a great, peaceful week :-)
