Monday, February 16, 2009


Here are some things I read this week that I found encouraging that I hope will encourage you as well.

These are words from a young adult who had "revolutionary parents". "As I look at the lives of my childhood friends, the ones I envied because they had so much freedom when we were growing up, their lives are now a mess. I'm not perfect, but I think I understand life a lot better and have a better foundation for life. Now I have all the appreciation in the world for the tough stands my parents took to keep me in check. Kids can't handle too much freedom; they're children! I thank God regularly that my parents put up with all the whining and complaining from me and my brothers and sisters but did not give in. They held their ground, and I think the results of their efforts are a real blessing to God and the community."

Most likely we will not be thanked for the hard work we are doing as parents while in the midst of their growing up years. It is important to realize the "ultimate results of our child-rearing efforts will not be known for years." We don't have to be their best friend right now. It is our job to raise them to love and honor God - to obey us so that in turn they will obey God. Not an easy task, but it is our calling. That is why we need each other - encouraging each other on this assignment! There will be many days they will not like us. I have been told quite often lately that I must not like this particular child because of the consequences she faces and she often threatens to run away. I love hearing from someone that has grown up with "revolutionary parents" and can now thank them for the type of upbringing they provided. I have more ambition to put up with the "whining and complaining" and I hope you do too!


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